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Mitigation & Reduction

At OffsetGo we follow a very holistic path for emissions mitigation and reduction in complete alignment with international agencies like the SBTi (Science based Target Initiative. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

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Mitigation & Reduction

At OffsetGo we follow a very holistic path for emissions mitigation and reduction in complete alignment with international agencies like the SBTi (Science-based Target Initiative. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The SBTi call to action is one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments. This enables our clients to play in a bigger market at the global level. 

We provide complete handhold to our clients to achieve to design their Internal Carbon Pricing Policy to achieve net zero goals using edge of technology with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our 365 degree carbon offset approach via waste management at each stage of operation from source to disposal through enthusiastic involvement in decarbonizing the company is our foremost priority.

Target Setting

Companies can reduce emissions in a scientific, cooperative, and accountable manner by aligning their net zero targets with the SBTi. Without doing so, it is very difficult to determine whether a net zero target has been met or not. Additionally flexible and sensitive to businesses' joint decarbonization activities, this net zero standard. More importantly, SBTi makes businesses responsible for achieving their goals for carbon reduction. More than 4,000 businesses across the globe are currently working to align their emission reduction objectives with SBTi's methodology and certification procedures.

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Next crucial phase if mindful policy designing where we lay specific focus on the client’s internal carbon pricing policy, their SDG goals, alongwith their value stream partner and their onboarding components. This together enable both long and short term strategy of emissions reduction targets.


This last phase of decarbonisation is driven by proper planning and its critical stepwise execution. The value stream is decarbonised by laying special emphasis on net zero sourcing and carbon neutral logistics. In case of manufacturing units, responsible sourcing becomes the key driver of decarbonisation.

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Our other services

OffsetGo offers Tech-based, Nature-based and Market-based solutions for organizations to achieve their climate goals and create a meaningful impact on the planet

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