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Offsetgo Carbon footprint calculator


CARBURN is a comprehensive software to calculate your organizational carbon footprint spread across Scopes 1, 2 & 3 in line with the GHG protocol and latest UN Mandates.

CARBURN functions with a unique set of surveys- capturing and managing vast amount of details from Employee based emissions to Management, Buildings as well as Value Streams to provide a streamlined strategy for mitigation and action

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A one of a kind offering in the world, our marketplace enables both buyers and sellers to get the best price for their carbon credits- with our team helping in ensuring quality, transparency and providing independent analysis of overall impact for accurate value determination for your credits. A wide range of credits from Agriculture, Forest, Marine, Waste, Energy and other domains are available at best prices so you can start your sustainability journey today.

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Offsetgo Carbon Trading Marketplace
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Offsetgo Quality assessment tool


Credits SDG & Quality assessment- Our own Credit quality assessment formula created by top industry experts checking the credits performance on 150+ parameters including Additionality, Non-permanence, SDG impact, Host Country, Lifecycle of project, waste generation and management etc. to give you a holistic assessment of your credit and empower organisations to make informed and economical choices.

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